Online Application Form

Online Application Form

There are no dues or membership fees associated with being part of Gwinnett ARES, just an interest in Public Service and supporting Emergency Communications. To join the Gwinnett County ARES, please fill out the Online Application Form below and submit to Gwinnett ARES. You will be contacted with additional information to get you started and help you become an ARES Communicator.


The Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) is a voluntary organization of licensed radio amateurs who have registered their capabilities and equipment for providing emergency communications as a public service to the community. The purpose of ARES is to provide emergency communications in the event of a natural disaster or other emergency where regular communications are inadequate. Sponsored by the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), ARES functions at the local level to meet local communications needs.

Upon completion of the application and acceptance by Gwinnett ARES, you agree to participate in training and other activities to develop and enhance communications skills to support emergencies. Upon acceptance, you will provide and maintain information on your skills, capabilities and available equipment to assist Gwinnett ARES in supporting emergency communications.